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Join 2,500+ people learning how to navigate the attention economy every Sunday morning while reading The Nurm Letter (you'll learn about life and business too :)

Join 2,500+ people learning how to navigate the attention economy every Sunday morning while reading The Nurm Letter

(you'll learn about life and business too :)

The Blog.

Learn about Meaningful History

Articles contain info on stories about entrepreneurs, productivity secrets from the successful, the most important books you can read...

and much, much more

Learn about Henry Flagler, Rockefeller's right hand man, and Flagler's conquest and development of Florida

Skim the most influential books in Nurm's life relating to psychology and making sense of the world.

Ever wonder how successful people get so much done? Read over some of their secrets here.

about me

Who is Owen Nurminen?

a guy who cannot stop creating online

Hi, I'm Owen :)

I am consultant for 6-8 figure businesses and influencers

In 2022, I started creating content, amassing 140,000+ followers on social media.

In 2023, I created influencer content strategies for my favorite fitness brands.

In 2024, I connect businesses with influencers to elevate their online brand presence.

In 2025, I won't change a thing. I LOVE working with influencers and brands.

how does it work?

I wanted to do more than get my own brand deals as an influencer.

I wanted to help my influencer friends get better brand deals.

I simultaneously wanted to help my entrepreneur friends get high ROAS numbers for their campaigns.

So I started writing content plans, influencer strategy, negotiating contracts, and connecting my friends... with my friends.

I taught influencers how to make marketable content that brands VALUE.

What resulted was a growing network of happy clients and success stories on both sides of the influencer economy, generating multiple 6 figures in sales, helping more influencers and expanding into more niches, including local businesses.

As a influencer turned freelancer turned consultant, I’ve developed effective systems with time, skin in the game, and experience with 120+ students and businesses.

and my company, team, and network is growing quickly...

Brands & Companies: Contact us

We're eager to discuss your needs and demonstrate how we can help achieve your goals

  • Influencer content, strategy, and contract negotiation

  • Organic content planning, videography, editing, and posting

  • Weekly consulting calls and unlimited access to myself and my team

My Team

Drew Garrison

Software Developer

Jake Kyman

Videographer/ Editor

Adam Weingard

Fulfilment Marketing

Thomas Condon

Client Relations

All Rights Reserved.